Why Â鶹APP Infographic

Why Â鶹APP?


Tech-enthusiast Icon

Cutting-edge technology integrated by Â鶹APP into teaching, learning, and administrative processes, complementing the state-of-the-art technology-based curriculum of BIT.


Trendsetting Icon

Endless opportunities to set trends for pioneering innovative ideas and practices, leveraging Â鶹APP's early-stage system.


Talented Icon

Platforms to showcase and groom exceptional skills and abilities through involvement in CA conducted/ planned by Â鶹APP in diverse fields.


Thoughtful Icon

Deserving acknowledgment at Â鶹APP for an individual's thoughtful ideas, initiations, and recommendations for the mutual growth of the student and the College.


Transcendent Icon

Expanding your educational horizons beyond Nepal through Â鶹APP with exposure to the American education system in Nepal and a seamless transition to continue further studies abroad with a four-year international degree.


Transformative Icon

In-house incubation center in Â鶹APP to transform vour innovative ideas into practical and profitable business ventures, complementing the globally inspired transformative curriculum of BBA and MBA.


Transcultural Icon

An inclusive environment at Â鶹APP for sharing and celebrating national and international culture through scholarships ensured for different backgrounds and student exchange programs with IAU.


Tomorrow-Focused Icon

The dedicated team of Â鶹APP to mold the Â鶹APPian's future to stand out in the local community, equipping them with the confidence and skills to thrive in the global community.


Target-Driven Icon

Assessment-based evaluation and grading system of Â鶹APP's curriculum with targets set for appreciating your progress and performance each second beyond the traditional three- hour exam model.


Trust-Seeking Icon

Â鶹APP is affiliated with International American University, accredited internationally by 10 institutions as well as the government, and running under the management of the Kathmandu Model College network, a nationally accredited College.


Trailblazer Icon

Welcomed to become among the first to experience Â鶹APP's extraordinary journey as a novel institution, affiliated with a university that has existed for 17 years, to collectively explore and create a brand-new chapter in history.


Thrifty Icon

The most affordable investment for your education in the national market is to enroll in a foreign degree offered by Â鶹APP making the international system of education accessible to all.